Category Archives: Personal Tax

The Role of Accounting Professionals in Supporting Small Businesses During Economic Uncertainty

A person with an edgy appearance, including an unspoiled mohawk haircut, is sitting at a desk during a zoom call. They are discussing the financial aspects of their small business and taking notes in a notebook beside them.

As a small creative business owner in Canada, navigating through economic uncertainty can be challenging. With fluctuating market conditions and unpredictable consumer behaviour, it’s essential

Healthcare Spending Account vs. Medical Expense Tax Credit

Healthcare Spending Account and Medical Expenses

As a small business owner, is there a way to save on tax using my family’s medical expenses? The short answer is, absolutely! There are …

Sole Proprietorship vs. Incorporation, what do I need to know?

Sole Proprietorship vs Incorporation

Are you stuck between a sole proprietorship vs incorporation? When you start your own business in Canada it’s easy to get overwhelmed with paperwork and