Category Archives: Small Business

The Role of Accounting Professionals in Supporting Small Businesses During Economic Uncertainty

A person with an edgy appearance, including an unspoiled mohawk haircut, is sitting at a desk during a zoom call. They are discussing the financial aspects of their small business and taking notes in a notebook beside them.

As a small creative business owner in Canada, navigating through economic uncertainty can be challenging. With fluctuating market conditions and unpredictable consumer behaviour, it’s essential

Managing Payroll for Creative Businesses: Key Considerations

A young woman in a work apron sits behind a table filled with paperwork and a computer. She appears focused and engaged in her work, showcasing her dedication to her creative field.

Running a creative business in Canada comes with its own set of challenges, especially when it comes to managing payroll. Creative businesses often have unique

Unlocking the Mystery: Understanding Financial Statements for Non-Finance Creatives

An attentive man in a woodworking workshop, clad in a grey apron, intently analyzing financial statements to gain clarity.

In pursuing creative passions, financial management often takes a backseat for many artists, designers, writers, videographers, and musicians. However, for those running a creative business

30 Tips for Videographers Starting A Business in Canada

A professional videographer capturing footage with a camera, symbolizing the start of a videography business in Canada

Starting a videography business in Canada is an exciting venture that allows you to unleash your creativity while serving clients’ visual storytelling needs. However, laying

Managing Your Corporation’s Finances: How Many Bank Accounts Do You Need?

Managing corporation finances

Managing your corporation’s finances can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to deciding how many bank accounts to have. While having at least